DevCon Summit 2013: #MobileDevNBeyond - I am Ulyssa Elaine - Travel, Food and Lifestyle Blogger

DevCon Summit 2013: #MobileDevNBeyond

by - Monday, December 30, 2013

This was one of the reasons why I shift from Java developer to Mobile App Developer.

Developers Connect Summit 2013: #MobileDevNBeyond was a whole day conference that aims to bring together over 800 Information Technology professionals, students and educators from all over the Philippines to showcase the latest trends and opportunities in the Information Technology industry. That year's theme was "Mobile Development and Beyond". - DevCon

I had a chance to have a selfie with the resource speakers:

Note: I actually won a raffle promo that's why I had a chance to attend the event. :)

How about you? Have you previously attended the event? Share your experience.

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