I am Ulyssa Elaine - Travel, Food and Lifestyle Blogger: cebu

Family Short Travel Guide: Cebu and Bohol, Philippines 2019

The Philippines is an island country of Southeast Asia. It is well-known for its beautiful white beaches and rich natural resources, attracting thousands of travelers everyday.  For this mini travel guide, I will share you the two of the most visited islands in Visayas region, Cebu and Bohol. Cebu City,...

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Cebu to Bohol (Tagbilaran) via OceanJet

As I said on my previous post, we only stayed in Cebu for a night. We travelled from Cebu to Bohol via fast ferry.  ...

Hotel Review: Happy Beach Cebu (Philippines)

First week of March, my family started planning for our yearly out-of-town trip. After hours of debating on where to ...